Nick Harrison, a senior edits a video clip, while Zach Rogers, a senior, supervises. Photo by Isabella Batula
Advanced Video Production captures the lives of Bruins.
Advanced Video Production is a class that prepares students for careers in the many fields of video production. The class meets during sixth period in C127.
Christina Levinson, the Advanced Video Production instructor, talked about the what the students do in the class.
“They’re creating things for the real world and not just classroom assignments,” said Mrs. Levinson.
Mrs. Levinson also spoke about what makes the advanced class different from the other, less experienced group.
“Comm Arts is learning some basic stuff, they’re barely starting,” she said. “My advanced crew have prior knowledge, they are doing much more complicated video projects.”
There is a very stark difference of maturity between the two classes.
“I like the camaraderie we have on (the Advanced Video Productions) side of the room,” said Mrs. Levinson. “Life on that side of the room is a lot more carefree… they’re a more mature group and are ready for the real world.”
Andrew Rolland, a senior, outlined some of the key aspects of the class.
“You get to know how to work in a team of other students, you get deadlines that you have to meet, which is very important,” he commented.
Another senior, Devon Fellman, talked about the freedom in regards to their assignments.
“It’s a fun class,” he said. “She gives us assignments and we pretty much get to whatever we want with them. It’s just nice to have some freedom.”
Fellman also talked about some of the real world experience he has gotten from the class.
“I’ve made videos for the Lake of the Pines community, doing videos for fundraising things,” he said.
Senior Nick Harrison gave some advice to people thinking about pursuing this kind of career.
“It’s super tedious and time consuming, and there will be mess ups in your shots,” he said. “You have to come to an agreement with yourself that it’s not easy.”
Rolland gave a glowing recommendation of the class to anyone who is thinking about trying video production.
“They should definitely take this class if they’re at all interested in T.V. production or movie making,” said Rolland.
Harrison expressively summed up his feelings for the class.
“It’s fun, Levinson is awesome!” he said.