Bruins Reflect on what the year 2020 meant to them. Photo by Maya Bussinger
As 2020 turns into 2021, students and staff at Bear River find themselves reflecting on what came out of such an unusual year, especially given the worldwide pandemic that left many people spending 2020 in their homes. Some saw it as a positive learning experience, some saw it as harmful to their mental health– but everyone is hopeful for what 2021 will bring.
2020 definitely had its fair share of ups and downs, leaving many people wondering whether it was a good year or a bad year overall. There were some slightly varying opinions among the students.
“I think it was a two sided year, both good and bad,” said Junior Owen Long. “Many bad things happened and caused pain to many, but it also made us realize we didn’t know what we had until it was gone. It showed us a different way of life and changed the way we look at things.”
“I viewed 2020 negatively because I became less productive,” said Alicia Anderson, a junior.
“I’m a very positive person, so I viewed 2020 as a bump in the road, but I didn’t let it ruin all of my experiences,” said Junior Corina Shaw.
Student Teacher Mikayla Laymance also thought that 2020 wasn’t quite so bad.
“I view 2020 in a positive way because I choose to focus on the happy moments and small victories I experienced along the way,” she said. “2020 was filled with many challenges for all of us, but it also encouraged us to grow in ways we might not have pursued otherwise.”
Despite the different outlooks on the past year, everyone seemed to learn valuable lessons from the new circumstances that 2020 brought.
“I tend to make tasks I have to do seem like this big thing that is going to take a long time, when in reality, it’s super simple if you just find the motivation to get it done,” said Anderson.
“I learned that organization is key to being successful,” said Shaw.
“I learned not to take things for granted,” Long said. “One minute it’s there, [and] the next, it could be gone.”
Ms. Laymance learned some similar lessons.
“The most valuable lessons I learned this year are: never take things for granted, stay flexible and ready for change, and approach every opportunity with optimism and hope,” she said.
She also set a goal for herself to achieve in 2021.
“My goal for 2021 is to finish my Master’s in teaching and become a full-fledged teacher,” she said.
Several students also made New Year’s Resolutions going into 2021.
“I want to continue working very hard in my school work and golf game,” said Shaw.
“[My resolution is to] get things done that I need to do, and don’t make a big deal about it,” Anderson said.
Despite the challenges that 2020 imposed, everyone seems to have some sort of optimism moving into 2021.
“I am definitely hoping this year is more enjoyable,” Long said. “I want to be able to do things again. Maybe it’ll change.”
“I am, but there’s always the possibility that it could be a much more eventful year, so I always have to keep a ‘be prepared for anything’ kind of mindset,” Shaw said.
“I am hopeful that this year will be better,” said Ms. Laymance. “Considering the challenges we faced during 2020 and the adaptations we had to make, I feel that we will be more prepared for this coming year.”
While 2020 took a toll on many, it didn’t manage to destroy the hopeful feelings for the year to come.