Kayla Toft, a junior, fills out a CSF application. Photo by Bella Batula
Bear River students looking to pump up their college application should be sure to submit their CSF applications today.
With the California Scholarship Federation application deadline looming, students are rushing to apply for a spot. This organization provides students with the benefits of a CSF Gold Seal on their diploma, gold cords during their graduation ceremony, and a higher eligibility rate toward scholarships.
Jennifer Weir, the CSF Advisor for Bear River High School, discussed CSF and the goals of the organization.
“The ultimate goal of the CSF program is to give recognition to students who take rigorous academic courses and achieve good grades in those classes,” said Mrs. Weir. “CSF has chapters (clubs) at many public and private schools throughout the state.”
Junior, Abby Weir, said how she became a part of CSF at the beginning of her high school career.
“I was introduced to CSF my freshman year when my English teacher, Ms. Stroeve, told me about it because she was the advisor on campus,” she said. “Plus my mom is a teacher and she agreed that it would be good for me.”
Grace Tortorici, the President of Bear River’s CSF chapter, also spoke about how she got into the organization.
“My oldest brother was a part of the club,” explained Tortorici. “He inspired me to become a member. At the time when I joined, Stroeve was the mentor in charge so she encouraged me to join as well.”
Mrs. Weir went into detail regarding the requirements of this application.
“They categorize high school courses based on the academic rigor of the course and award points for grades of A’s and B’s,” she said. “Students are not eligible if they have a D or F on their report card. Students must apply each semester using their grades from the previous semester.”
Benefits of CSF membership can be lifelong with the amazing opportunities they provide. College visits are the most recognizable benefits as multiple students mentioned when asked about their motivations to join.
“Mainly, I did it for educational opportunities such as college visits and to have something to add to college applications,” said Adri Moses, a senior.
“Well, my sophomore year we took a trip to LA and visited about 8 different colleges and took a day trip to Disneyland,” said Tortorici. “I learned a lot from this trip by looking into colleges I never would have imagined attending before. The club definitely helps to broaden students views on schooling choices after graduation.”
“Students who achieve life membership status are recognized at graduation with distinction by a gold tassel, gold neck cord, gold seal on their diploma, and noted in the graduation program,” said Mrs. Weir.
Mrs. Weir is eager for new students to look into becoming a part of CSF.
“I would love for students to drop by and learn more about the club and the membership process.”