Bruins can enjoy the D Wing's remodeled Ag Mechanics shop, classrooms, and even bathrooms. Photo by Maya Bussinger
Over the course of the 2020-2021 school year Bear River has gone through extensive construction all over campus and Bruins are excited about the new and improved Ag Wing.
Bruins that have gotten to see the Ag Wing, have positive impressions of it, and are eager for the opportunity to use the Ag Mech shop.
Macey Fowler, a senior, shared her thoughts on it.
“My first impression was that it was incredibly clean and there is a lot more work space than previously,” she said. “I really look forward to getting to work in the new shop and learning to use all the equipment.”
Others shared similar remarks about the new Ag Wing. Senior Lexi Templeton talked about her favorite thing and the biggest differences she saw in comparison to the old Ag Hall.
“My favorite new addition is the Ag Mech shop,” she said. “It’s a lot cleaner and nicer compared to what we used to have and I really like it.”
While students in years past have gotten to see and use the Ag hall prior to the renovation, the class of 2024 is experiencing a whole new building and equipment. Freshman Aleayah Briscoe explained her favorite thing about the renovation.
“The whole building looks great but my favorite part is the bathrooms because they’re really clean and nice,” she said. “I noticed the doors all open with a key card now and I think that’s pretty cool and high tech.”
Bailey Ham, a junior, mentioned the benefits of the new Ag Wing and shop.
“It looks really nice and it’s a big improvement from what it used to look like. It’s overall more organized. It provides more opportunities for everyone and it’s just a lot more organized and a lot safer.”
Fowler added to Ham’s thought and elaborated on the different equipment that is available to students now that the outdated Ag shop has been replaced.
“The welding booths definitely stand out in the new shop as well as the new plasma cutter, but my favorite addition is probably the new woodworking work tables,” she said. “All the new equipment will help students become better at mechanics and better prepare them for future careers in agricultural mechanics if they choose to do so.”
Students now have the opportunity to use tools and learn skills they wouldn’t have been able to without the new shop. Junior Ryan Downs gave his positive final thoughts about the Ag Hall.
“It’s a big improvement from what it was like last year, it doesn’t even look like the same building,” he said. “It’s cool that students will be able to utilize the new tools and equipment to become better mechanics and overall have a better experience in the class.”