Seniors ponder their many college options. Photo by Jackson Smith
Class of 2022 seniors share their plans for college and goals they hope to achieve after high school. Graduating students enjoy their last year at Bear River and start looking forward to becoming adults.
Reflecting on the last four years, the seniors share their favorite times in high school. “Playing sports was always fun, I’ve always liked that,” said senior Michael Herrmann.
Senior Dayanara Moreno added her perspective.
“Meeting everyone,” Moreno said. It was nice to see everyone as I’m going through the years. Like seeing people graduate and seeing new people come in.”
There are many options when it comes to figuring out what you want to do in the future. The wide range of opportunities makes decision-making hard. Moving on from Bear River and going to a new college is a clear vision for some seniors.
“I have applied to Chico, UC Santa Cruz. Figure out where I get accepted and go from there,” said senior Sam Gouveia.
“UCLA and UC Berkeley are my top two right now,” said Hermann. He hopes to have a political science major.
Moreno has different plans.
“I’m planning on taking a gap year between high school and college,” she says. “I was so looking forward to going to college, but after a while, it’s too much. So you burn out a little.” However, Moreno still has a plan for college. “I’m planning on applying abroad because I think traveling would be super fun.”
Every student has a different career plan. Gouveia said, “I want to major in psychology, maybe be a psychologist one day or be a nutritionist or dietitian.”
As for Moreno’s big plans, “I want to go to college, and get tattoos,” she said.
KC Wachs- Worden, one of the counselors at Bear River, helps the students prepare for college and other plans they may have after high school.
“A big part of it is helping them plan and start to think about what their plans are for after high school. Whether it’s college, trade, or military,” she said.
She also shares what her plans for herself were when she was fresh out of high school.
“I went straight to a 4-year college,” Worden adds, “I thought I was going to major in journalism, but then I ended up majoring in English.”