Bruins taking on the competition. Photo by Maya Bussinger
As Bruins soccer nears the end of its season, players reflect on their accomplishments and hope to finish the year strong.
Junior Austin Phipps explained the extent that the boys team has come along this season.
“Our soccer players have improved dramatically since the beginning of the season,” he said. “Since a majority of our players are freshmen, our soccer team has basically started from scratch, teaching our players basic skills during our first practices. Since then, we have played several varsity teams and learned from each experience, becoming better and better every time.”
Junior Eli Funk expressed his previous concern for the team, thinking that there would be too few players. Fortunately, many people joined, and he showed enthusiasm for the untrained players that went out for soccer this season.
“Going into this school year, I was worried that we would not have enough players for a full team again,” said Funk. “Thankfully, a whole load of new players joined soccer! Despite the inexperience, they faced varsity teams with enthusiasm and mental endurance. We are quickly improving individual and team skills, and I hope we continue this development.”
The girls team was also mostly made up of new arrivals who had little soccer experience in the past. Every player saw dramatic improvements in skill level this year.
Sophomore Elaine Owyoung was elated over the successes of the girls team.
“I believe that this season is one to remember!” she said. “The girls are so willing and skilled, creating an amazing season so far! It’s not only the lack of drama but the increase in mutual care for one another that has contributed to this year’s season. Although our team cannot compete with Colfax, this is a season I treasure.”
Owyoung mentioned her previous experiences with soccer that helped develop her skills on the field.
“I have played since I was around eight,” said Owyoung. “I played competitive soccer and was super involved in soccer up until covid hit. Since then, I have been less involved in soccer but still love it!”
Freshman Macy Martin elaborated on the involvement she had with soccer before high school that contributed to her talent as a goalie.
“Some of my personal experiences with soccer is competitive soccer,” she said. “I played for a Nevada County comp team and it really boosted me up to be where I am today. I think that playing competitively is a really good thing for before high school.”
Phipps contributed to the topic at hand, conveying how beneficial it is to have a soccer background before high school.
“I began playing soccer when I was four and have been playing every year since then,” said Phipps. “Although I wasn’t ever a competitive player since I played rec soccer my entire life before high school soccer, I have also been a certified soccer referee so I know the ins and outs of the sport.”
This season, both the boys and girls teams have faced the challenge of inexperience in the sport, but despite that, the players have developed a stronger bond.
“I like how eager our team is to learn new skills and techniques and how kind everyone is to each other,” Funk explained. “I think we are a cohesive team, and, with some seasons of development, will be a force to be reckoned with.”
Martin related to this statement with the girls team.
“I like the bond that our team has,” she said. “We had lots of preseason practice and time to bond and I think that it really helped us come closer as a team.”
First year player senior Annie Bowen expressed her fondness for the team.
“I love my teammates, which makes everything else much more fun,” said Bowen. “I really like our coaches, and how complex the sport can actually be. I’m just really glad I have had the opportunity to play, and I’m going to miss it when I graduate this year!”