With the school year not even finished, the Bear River football team is already hard at work getting ready for next season.
Bruins expect a section championship from their sports teams, but coaches and players alike understand the work to get there.
As this school year nears an end, many fall sports are already preparing for next season. This includes one of the most popular of those, football.
Football coaches have kicked it into full gear this offseason to hopefully bring the players to a winning season and have hope for a section championship. Across the last few months coaches have held weight-training regiments in the morning, and as of the last couple weeks, spring practice to bring players back into the swing of things.
Not all players see this as an annoyance though. Some understand the importance of getting stronger.
“It’s pretty important so we get stronger and improve on our weak-points,” junior Johnny Lui said.
But it’s not only the physical strength and skill that matters — Lui believes the relationships built can make a difference.
“We’re building relationships with our teammates,” he said. “We’re getting stronger with our teammates, and you’re spending time with the family (teammates).”
Some players aren’t as invested in a successful season, and are missing these opportunities to get better.
“They don’t see importance, cause they think they are doing enough outside of football but all the work really happens in the weight room with your teammates,” Lui said.
Sophomore Luke Jeffers also want to be prepared.
“It is the most important part of the football season,” Jeffers said. “You gotta prepare, do mental and physical reps, and weights, and agility; there’s just so many aspects of it.”
The repetitions done in these practices are really helpful for players to develop muscle memory, and to understand the plays and why they work.
“I think if 100% of the guys worked out during the offseason we could win a section title,” Jeffers said.
Yet none of this would be possible without coaches that are dedicated to a winning season — coaches like line coach David Beghetti, who has had a large part in bringing players together.
Whether it was group texts, or tough love, Beghetti brought the team together because he understands how important the offseason really is.
“It’s where it all starts,” Beghetti said. “That’s where family begins, and it builds to be an unbreakable bond towards the end of the season.
“In the beginning there were a lot of doubters, but as they progressed, I think the majority of the ones that are here in the mornings lifting, know that they are hugely improved.”
Weightlifting is very important to a contact sport like football, but Beghetti believes it’s the mindset that comes with strength that truly wins games.
“When you walk on a field with strength, it resonates in your mind, and you know you’re potentially unstoppable,” he said.