Abby Weir is inspired by her coach, Rebecca Nelson-Harris, pictured at left. Photo courtesy of Abby Weir
Abby Weir is targeting the future.
As a barebow archer, Weir shoots arrows with absolutely no sights, clickers, or stabilizers. Weir’s award-winning skills have qualified her to compete on an international level in the Dublin 2016 World Archery Field Championships.
Weir was eleven when she first picked up a bow.
“I first learned about archery from a childhood friend of mine who told me about a summer camp that was being held at the Nevada County Sportsmen Club meant for kids who wanted to try archery,” she said.
It wasn’t love at first sight though, because like anyone trying something new, she wasn’t the best at it.
“I wasn’t the best in the group of students and I had a lot of trouble at first,” Weir admits.
That didn’t stop Weir though. She went back to the camp the following two years, even outlasting the friend that had initially introduced her to archery. Soon Weir was approached by the woman who ran the camp in 2013. The woman told Weir she had “great potential and would love to help her become even better.” Weir began practicing, purchasing equipment, and looking at competition dates. For the following two years she has been practicing and competing.
To date, Weir has competed and won the Barebow National Field Tournament in Yankton, South Dakota twice. Since she specializes in Barebow shooting, she can’t participate in the Olympics because they do not feature her sport in the games. However, she can and will be competing in the Dublin 2016 World Archery Field Championship.
Archery is more than just competition to Weir.
“I have made so many new friends in archery that I never would have made otherwise,” she said. “It’s like finding the family you never knew you had.”
Weir is so motivated and inspired by the archery family she has, participating in the World Games means she can now inspire future archers too.
“I can proudly repay my coach for all that she has done for me, because she has spoken numerous times of retiring from archery soon. I want to become an archer worthy of taking her place,” Weir said. “I am one step closer to becoming someone that can go on to inspire others.”