Toby Barmeyer is a new English teacher at Bear River. Photo by Jakob Berger
This article is sixth in a series about new teachers at Bear River.
English teacher Toby Barmeyer says she is making a happy new home at Bear River.
“Being a new teacher at Bear River so far has been a welcoming and positive experience,” she said. “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the students, the staff, the campus, and the community.”
Ms. Barmeyer majored in English and minored in Art History at UC Berkeley. She went to Sac State to get her teaching credential and taught at Hiram Johnson High School last year, then McClatchy High School the year before that. Ms. Barmeyer, who currently commutes from Sacramento, is really looking forward to moving back to the foothills to be closer to her new job.
“I really love where I am at,” she said. “While I currently am living in Sacramento due to my previous job at a high school in southeast Sacramento, I can’t wait to relocate back to the foothills.”
She has gotten plenty of respect from her students, which she said has helped her get more settled into this new environment.
“Here I have found a vast difference between the two environments,” Ms. Barmeyer said. “I really enjoy the students’ kindness, respect, and devotion to helping me succeed.”
She commented on how the older students are trustworthy and always respectful.
“I ask many of the older students questions about campus activities and events and they are always so willing to help me out,” she said. “It is nice knowing students aren’t trying to ‘pull anything on me.’ … They open the doors for me, they want to go hiking with me, and they are interested in what I have to say. I really can’t say say enough positive things about the students here.”
Ms. Barmeyer said she is enjoying the new school year and all the activities it brings.
“I also can’t wait until I know where everything is situated on campus and become familiar with all of the fun annual activities,” she said. “I am excited for this year and am looking forward to collaborating with other teachers about how best to serve these wonderful human beings.”
Ms. Barmeyer’s students said they liked the new English teacher.
“She’s really nice and funny and she interacts with her students in a good way,” said Tiana Langseth, a junior.
“Mrs. Barmeyer is one of my favorite teachers because she is really fun and loves to interact with her students,” said Kaylee Bohrer, also a junior says.