Justin Dunkin, a sophomore, walks the new gym floors during basketball PE. Photo by Jacob Thrasher
The new gym floors in the McCrory Gym are colored with school spirit.
Last September, newly-painted, refinished floors made their debut in McCrory Gym. Principal Amy Besler and the committee behind the gym floors were excited to add the color black as an official accent color to the floor’s design. Bear River’s basketball and volleyball teams have already started using black as their jersey choice, thereby setting the tone for the new floors. Also, due to the fact that “cardinal” is a difficult color to find in jerseys and paint, black has become a popular new option this school year.
“The new gym floor freshens up the look of McCrory Gymnasium,” said Principal Besler. “I think the accents of black, outlining the paw and the court itself, add a dramatic touch and give the floor a very different look than it has had before. While black is not one of our official school colors (our colors are cardinal and gray), it’s a great accent color and students seems to like it, feeling that it adds a ‘toughness’ factor.”
With black jerseys starting to become part of the school’s jersey collection, Bruins expressed their feelings about the change.
“My favorite jersey’s are our white ones, but in the future we are planning on getting black jerseys to go along with our white and cardinal ones,” said Kayla Toft, a junior. “Other sports have gone with black and I really like the way it works.”
Some students believed that the new gym floors could be even better in the future.
“I really like that they painted the floor black,” said Toft. “It would be really nice in the future we could get the other colors of the floor re-done to make it look even newer”.
Students Toft and Julia Bohn, a junior, said that they believed that the new colors would bring more school spirit.
“I like that teams are shifting to black jerseys because it is a good change,” Toft said. “Hopefully it will get our Bruin Nation more excited for the games and we could have some cool themes for them”.
“I feel the same way as Kayla Toft,” Bohn said. “The white jerseys look really sharp. I think the gym looks fantastic. That black also looks great.”
Although students are happy with the new floor, they still believed that it could be improved.
“It’d be great to have more of a cardinal color on the floor as opposed to straight red as it is right now, but it looks great that we re-did it,”
said Bohn.
However, one student was less than pleased.
“I don’t think the gym floor looks better sense they re-painted it,” said A.J. Derise, a freshman. “I also think that they could have done a much better job on the gym floor as well.”