The Girls Golf team smiles with their coach Gayne Nakano. Courtesy photo
Bear River Girls Golf team has driven their way to the top!
On October 31, the Girls Golf Team made a tremendous effort to be able to play in the Masters Golf Tournament against the top teams in the Northeast California region. The team includes a freshman, Dominique Peter; sophomores Hannah Prosser, Kalei Owen, and Maddie Templeton; and juniors Serenity Edwards, and Bella Batula. They are coached by Math Teacher Gayne Nakano, who has been committed to the program for many years.
“The team got along really well which made the season enjoyable,” said Mr. Nakano.
Some of the players felt very nervous about playing in the Masters rounds, while others were not worried going into the tournament.
“Our gold team went last year to Masters, but I don’t think we will win because a lot of Southern California teams are better,” said Kalei Owen, a freshman, “Our team has the confidence to do good but we may not have a good chance of winning.”
“(I am) Looking forwards to Masters, and if we have confidence and focus we will do the best we can,” said Maddie Templeton.
The girls on the team practice in a good atmosphere and feel that Mr. Nakano is a great coach.
“I love our coach, Mr. Nakano, he is very nice and helpful to the team,” said Kalei Owen.
“(We have a) good coach, who really tries to help us to improve,” said Dominique Peter.
The result of the Masters Tournament for Bear River ended up with the team just coming up short for their region. But the girls had a fun experience and great golf season being named second in the League and second in Divisionals.
“Overall, the team did really well and improved more from last year, when we won League,” said Mr. Nakano. “But, unfortunately, our opponent Placer improved as well and beat us this year. We hope to reclaim the title next year.”