Past students have explored the Sierra College campus during the annual CTE Day, one of the field trips cancelled previously this school year as a result of COVID-19. Photo by McKenna Hisaw
Bruins across campus are looking beyond high school to their potential futures.
On Friday, October 6, Bruin students of all grades traveled to Sierra College to tour the campus and preview the school’s Career Technical Education courses.
Josie Andrews, Bear River’s librarian and a chaperone on the field trip, discussed how she thought the trip went.
“I think it went really well,” she said. “It seemed really organized, everybody seemed like they thoroughly enjoyed it and there was a lot of great information.”
Mrs. Andrews also explained the chaperone’s game plan when the students were at Sierra.
“We just kind of allowed the students to walk around the campus,” she said. “It was kind of like an open house so all the students could go into Career Technical Education classrooms. There was Early Childhood Education and Firefighters and Art and Design classrooms. We really just went and were there on campus with the students. Students could go and checkout whichever classes they were interested in.”
Many Bear River students go to Sierra College after graduation because of the convenience, but they don’t know much about the school itself before they start their semester.
Preston Llamas, a senior, learned new things about the school because of this trip.
“I was already planning on going to college at Sierra, but there are a few classes that I did not know they offered that I am now interested in, such as photography,” Llamas said.
Llamas liked learning about the little niches on campus that usually go unnoticed.
“I liked being able to explore around the campus and check out all the cool little things in the area, like the history museum,” he said.
Another senior, Ben Coffman, thought there were stark differences between Bear River and Sierra College.
“The campus was bigger than I expected and they offered a broad enough selection of classes,” he said. “Though, in my personal opinion, the teachers at Bear River are far superior in terms of knowledge and experience than the ones I met at Sierra.”
Johnny Calleri, a senior, recommended that any student take the next opportunity like this that arises.
“I would say go on as many of the college visits as you can,” he said. “They are fun and have a lot to offer.”