Editorial cartoon by Desi Kreiter
Bruins should go out and treat themselves on Halloween night.
On October 31, people of all ages dress up across the country to celebrate Halloween. Though it’s been a tradition for us since we were little kids, the teen years are when people start to look down upon us for Trick or Treating as high school students because we’re “too big” or “too old.”
We at The Current believe that there’s no such thing as “too old” to Trick or Treat. According to TodayIFoundOut.com, it has been a social custom since the 1920’s. We think that age should not be a roadblock to stop students from enjoying the festivities.
Bear River Principal, Dr. Amy Besler, shared her thoughts on students Trick or Treating.
“I absolutely think it’s socially acceptable for teenagers to Trick or Treat,” Dr. Besler said. “You are still kids who are sort of clinging to the last moments of youth and I think as long as you’re behaving appropriately and being careful and cognizant of the little kids running around too, and watching your language and your behavior with the idea that it really is a holiday meant for younger children, I think it’s absolutely appropriate and I highly encourage it!”
The students feel the same way. According to Junior Connor Hemminger, teenagers won’t be young forever.
“Yeah, it should be fine,” he said. “I mean, you don’t live young forever, so that’s a way to get to your younger self.”
Hemminger also explained his stance on going out for Halloween.
“I do (dress up),” he said. “I guess I still do Trick or Treat, I went last year. I think I might stop, I don’t know. I think I’m getting too old for it. It’s just a preference honestly, if you’re too old for it.”
Trey Jarman, a senior, doesn’t Trick or Treat, but only because his work schedules him on Halloween. If given the opportunity, he would participate and doesn’t think anyone should see an issue with older kids Trick or Treating.
“Oh absolutely, (I think it’s acceptable for us to Trick or Treat),” said Jarman. “It’s been a social tradition for about a hundred years now… I mean, free candy is free candy. I don’t feel like it should be a big deal. I feel like even though it’s marketed towards little kiddos, there’s no real harm in it.”
Freshman Luke Barrieau had a very simple point on why students of all ages should be able to Trick or Treat.
“It’s the one night where you get free candy, and free candy is really good,” he said.
Though most students think you should be able to Trick or Treat, some are against the idea. Cade Coughran, a senior, dresses up for Halloween, but he stopped Trick or Treating relatively recently.
“I think I stopped when I was a freshman because I was too big, people could tell,” he said. “They were like ‘this kid’s up to something, he’s too old.’”
Coughran isn’t entirely sure if students should Trick or Treat because we have a different options.
“I don’t personally (Trick or Treat), because I could go out and buy my own candy,” he said. “I mean, it’s not that expensive. I think (Trick or Treating is) more for the kids.”
While Coughran’s opinion differs from ours, he’ll see the staff of The Current out on the streets tonight.