Standing at right, sophomore Karah Echternacht is an actor in the upcoming play Our Town. Echternacht frequently goes above and beyond for the Bear River Drama program. Photo by Isabella Christmon
Many Bruins show integrity, but one Bruin stands out: Karah Echternacht.
Echternacht, a sophomore, contributes to Bear River’s theater program by investing her free time into helping, even when it’s not necessary. She is seen as an exceptional friend and student by many Bruins.
Drama Teacher Sara Noah, the director of the play Our Town, shared why she thinks Ecthernacht shows integrity.
“She is always at rehearsal, she is always on time,” said Mrs. Noah. “Every time we rehearse any scene that she is in, she is always working, she is always on task and she always stays in the scene. I can always count on her to do her best and to help her peers.”
Junior Aydan Rossovich loves Echternacht for her helpful hand and her enjoyable personality.
“I love Karah cause she is adorable,” said Rossovich. “She is really sweet and she tries her hardest. I think she shows integrity because she tries not to miss out on things unless she really has to and she always shows up to rehearsal on time and helps everyone out when they need it.”
Ecthernacht’s peers think that she is a wonderful individual. She reflects the sentiment right back at them.
“It makes me really happy because I try to be my best and I try to work really hard to be a good actor,” said Echternacht. “Last year I was super shy and I wouldn’t talk to anybody and that totally affected my acting because I couldn’t get on stage and actually speak, then I got the bruin badge award and it makes me really happy that Mrs. Noah believes in me so much.”
Marie-Claire Desplancke, a junior, has a special feeling for Ecthernacht because of their connection in the play and outside of the play.
“If I’m having a bad day or have been sick, Karah is there to bring a smile to my face and not only does she play my daughter in the play but she feels like a little sister to me,” Desplancke said. “I enjoy seeing her everyday. She is always on time and she is always there. She is also very supportive if I need to ask her a question or if we need to work lines together. All around, Karah is an amazing person and I absolutely love spending time with her in the play.”