Junior Mackenzie Martin expresses her support of the Time's Up movement with her shirt. Photo by McKenna Hisaw
Time’s up on sexual harassment and gender inequality.
“Time’s up” is a movement that has been circulating news headlines for days. It has brought to light sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender inequality all over the nation. The revolution has dug up opinions and emotions for many students and staff across the Bruin community.
“(Time’s up) is about women having a voice and being able to speak out,” said English and Dance Teacher Joyce Gouveia. “I’m hoping the people take these women and even men seriously when they talk about sexual harassment, it’s happened far too long. I don’t know if people think ‘oh it’s just a fad’, but it’s not.”
Senior Mallory Borrego shared similar thoughts.
“It’s a really big deal … All of the accounts of sexual harassment that have come to light with a lot of people of power and in the media with people you wouldn’t really expect,” Borrego said. “Those women who stood up and spoke about sexual harassment, I think they set the tone for everything that’s going on. Right now, we have a huge breakthrough of a bunch of people standing up about it and I think that’s just one of those examples of how its coming to light.”
On January 8th, 2018, countless celebrities wore all black to the Golden Globes saying that they “drew the black line, a boundary that can’t be crossed.”
Students, such as Senior Jakob Berger, shared their thoughts about how people in positions of power can be influential in this issue.
“When a person who is so looked up to starts talking about disagreements or conflicts and such, it starts impacting the people who look up to them as well,” said Berger.
Freshman Connor McGehee agreed with Berger’s thoughts.
“I think it’s good that Hollywood is making a big deal about it and they are standing up to the issue and showing millions around the world that sexual assault and sexual harassment is not okay,” said McGehee.
Strong opinions on harassment have even come to light at Bear River High School.
“I think sexual harassment happens everywhere. For celebrities, people are expected be a certain way, women are objectified by a certain standard,” Borrego said. “I think people who are celebrities had to go through that to get to where they are. Even a celebrity is still an average person day in, day out. It’s just a human thing.”
Students wanted to make sure that it was known that sexual harassment affects everyone, not just women.
“A lot of people just say that it’s girls mainly, but it affects both,” Freshman Vanise Nunez said.
Sophomore Leo Jackson elaborated on the way sexual assault can go both ways.
“Sexual harassment in LGBT, it happens. I don’t think people realize a girl can sexually harass another girl, or that a boy can sexual harass another boy,” said Jackson. “I’ve seen it happen here.”
The movement is also about equality between people.
“It’s time for women to be complete equals on every level and never have to put up with anything like that,” said Social Studies teacher Jeffery Carrow. “The fact that people would use strength and power in that situation is disgusting. Its positive for everyone and positive for men too. Everyone benefits from a positive, equal relationship.”
People believe that this movement will actually change something and make a difference.
“It’s gotta work, we gotta put the engine behind it and make it happen,” said Ms. Gouveia.
“I feel like the social movements and organizations and Hollywood is emphasizing this and it’s definitely going to get it out there and I know it’s going to change because it already has changed and it’s part of our society because equality is where we are at and those acts are crimes and crimes are going to be punished,” agreed Mr. Carrow.
Everyone has a voice and needs to speak out if something happens.
“It’s super important for young women to see that you do have a voice and that you shouldn’t take harassment ever and you should always speak up and hopefully there’s someone out there that will stand up for you. The time has come,” said Ms. Gouveia.
— Hannah James contributed to this report.