Bear River's Principal Dr. Amy Besler receives blessings from a visiting monk in the Bear River Community Theater on Monday. Photo by Kalei Owen
On Tuesday, February 6, Tibetan monks from the Shartse monastery in India came to Bear River on their Sacred Arts of Tibet Tour. The monks came to educate students and staff alike on the ways of a different culture and expand our appreciation of other ways of living.
Principal Dr. Amy Besler explained what the monks did while on campus.
“We were fortunate to have monks from the Shartse Monastery in India visit our campus to share some of their culture and rituals,” Dr.Besler said. “In an assembly attended by over 400 students, they demonstrated their traditional singing/chanting and their debate format and also shared their views on kindness, compassion, tolerance, joy, and happiness. They also worked directly with students in two of our art classes on some of their traditional art forms, including calligraphy and mandala-making.”
Dr. Besler felt that the visit positively impacted Bruins.
“I feel that our campus was positively impacted by the monks and their mission of spreading compassion around the world; they reminded us of the importance of our Core Values and opened our minds and hearts to other worldviews,” Dr. Besler said.