Senior Mallory Rath is a Varsity Basketball player. Her jersey says "Bruins." Photo by Kalei Owen
Our school mascot, the Bruin, comes from Dutch roots. It is the feminine term for brown. Early English writers used it as a term for bears, which begs the conclusion that a Bruin is a female brown bear.
Though our school mascot is a “female brown bear,” our female sports teams are often referred to as “Lady Bruins” while our co-ed and male sports are referred to as just “Bruins.”
“I think it’s very ironic because a bruin is actually a female,” said Freshman Volleyball player and swimmer Alison Johnson. “It’s a female bear so why are we saying a lady-lady bear. That doesn’t make sense.”
Many students find the term sexist due to the fact that we are all Bruins and should all be treated equally, despite gender.
“It’s very sexist that people are saying that our whole school is a Bruin but just the girl sports are Lady Bruins,” said Johnson
Some people think that it is a big deal, but have never thought about it till now.
“I’m aware of it, but I probably haven’t given it as much thought as I should have,” said Social Science Teacher Jeff Carrow. “I’m glad this topic is being brought to light.”
Freshman Cross Country runner and swimmer Helen Sands believes that everyone should be treated equal.
“I think that all sports are equal, no matter if they’re co-ed or just girls or just guys and they should all just be called Bruins because we’re all equal,” she said. “Female sports teams refer to themselves as Bruins, so why do others refer to them as “Lady Bruins?”
“Our jerseys just say ‘Bruin’ because that’s what we are,” said Sophomore Cross Country runner and Basketball player Grace McDaniel. “We don’t call ourselves the Lady Bruins because we are Bruins, just Bruins.”
Other students agree with McDaniel that it should be equalized by everyone being “just Bruins.”
“I feel that it should be all named Bruins because everyone should be equal, and we shouldn’t refer to one team differently because of their gender,” said Freshman Soccer player Grant Murchison. “It shouldn’t be that way.”
Students, like Freshman Cross Country and Track runner Elaina Wargala, thinks that the team names could be equalized in other ways.
“If girls are Lady Bruins but guys are just Bruins, why can’t it be ‘Boy Bruins’ or something like ‘Man Bruins’ because it doesn’t make sense to just have Lady Bruins and the guys are just Bruins,” said Wargala.
A lot of people feel like it is time to update our ways and show no gender discrimination within sports, but it is an issue wider than just our small town school.
“Colleges and high schools all around the country put ‘Lady’ in front of the school name,” said Mr. Carrow. “Anything that would increase general equality between the genders, I’d be in favor of.”
It’s time for a change of ways, even if it’s as small as taking away the word “Lady” from sports names. Anything, no matter how small, is a step towards equality, and a step in the right direction.