Bruins mingle during Bear River's Fall Homecoming Dance. Photo by Alexander Hartman
The red carpet was rolled out for Bruins as they entered this year’s Homecoming Dance, but there were mixed opinions concerning the overall atmosphere of the event.
On Saturday, September 15, Bear River’s annual Fall Homecoming Dance was held, with a theme this year of ‘Bear River Blockbusters.’ According to students, amidst many changes to the dance set-up and entry was a new policy of having Campus Supervisor Ralph Lewis search the students before allowing entry.
“I felt mildly attacked by it, considering how late a lot of people, myself and friends included, got into the actual dance, it was majorly unorganized and totally uncalled for,” said Senior Jack Kendall. “I didn’t have anything to hide, as I’m not dumb enough to bring anything with me to a … high school dance.”
Many Bruins expressed similar opinions to Kendall, and some said that they were unsure as to the equality of the search.
“It was weird to be searched,” said Sophomore Sean Huska.
“The females weren’t searched,” said Sophomore Emily Telles. “Even though I myself (female) was wearing pants, I was told to just go right through.”
Mr. Lewis refuted this belief.
“That isn’t true, we also search girls’ bags,” said Mr. Lewis.
Several students said that while they appreciated the concept, the time management of the searches was a bit off.
“I believe it could be useful if done in a more time conscious manner,” said Telles.
“I felt fine with (being searched), I guess because I know it’s for good reason,” said Sophomore Homecoming Princess Elaina Wargala. “It took a lot longer than I think it needed to.”
Alongside the issue of being searched was the issue of being escorted to the bathroom.
“I felt like the search at the door and the escort to the bathroom was unnecessary and demeaning,” said Junior Lydia Fuller-Hall. “I know they are trying to stop drugs and alcohol from entering, but that took it a step too far.”
Mr. Lewis gave an explanation as to why Bruins were escorted to the bathroom.
“With the restrooms not in the same location as the dance, safety was a priority, as always,” said Mr. Lewis.
In contrast to these complaints, students said that they enjoyed the music played at the dance.
“I felt like the music was awesome,” said Freshman Jeff (Matthew) Bryom.
“The music was actually decent this time,” said Wargala. “But, I mean, they played the Macarena, so that kind of ruined the mood.”
One controversial change to the dance was its movement from taking place in the outside quad area to taking place in the big gym.
“I prefer outside so it isn’t stuffy or hot,” said Senior Alyssa Harroun.
Others, such as Sophomore Nate Wilson, said that they preferred the outside as well.
“The location is better out in the quad,” said Wilson.
However, some loved the change of venue.
“Having the dance in the gym was ten times better than the MPR,” said Kendall. “There is so much more room to move around.”
People seemed to love the fact that the dance was a semi-formal, as opposed to the usual themed Fall Homecoming.
“Loved semi-formal, so, so, so much more fun getting ready for it,” said Kendall.
Bardo said that she agreed.
“The semi-formal was really fun to dress up for,” she said.
A few students said that they thought that the decorations were sub-par.
“The lights about gave me seizures,” said Sophomore Kadin Dooley.
Kendall said that she disagreed with Dooley.
“It was such a nice feeling, being in there with all the fun lights,” said Kendall.
Bruins said that they felt like the dance was very short.
“I think the dances should be longer, because if you’d like to leave early, you can,” said Telles.
There was an overall mixed feeling about the dance.
“I feel like the dance, in general, was a… waste of time and energy,” said Fuller-Hall.
Others really enjoyed the dance.
“I felt like Homecoming was really fun and enjoyable,” said Bryom.