Junior Tressie Costantino, Freshman Julia Pisenti, Junior Dominique Peter, Freshmen Corina Shaw, Senior Madison Templeton, and Junior Sarah Aanenson finish practice by walking to the last hole of the LOP golf course. Photo by Kalei Owen
Bear River’s Girls Golf team crushed the 2018 competition with their unbeatable winning streak, making Bruins proud, but nobody is prouder than their very own coach, Gayne Nakano.
“This is the most successful golf team in BR history,” Coach Nakano said. “They have broken all previous team records, won the league and division banners, and placed higher than any other team in the Masters tournament. I am proud of how hard they have worked to improve their games this year.”
Nicolette Antisdel, senior and active member of the Girls Golf team, explained the reason she believed the team is doing so well, as well as their biggest collective strength.
“I believe the Girls Golf team has been doing well because we are hard workers and practice as if we were in a match against other schools,” said Antisdel. “Many of us have been playing golf through the Lake of the Pines Golf Club for years, and they have helped to shape us into the golfers we are today. I think the team’s biggest strength is the fact that we have fun practicing while also taking it seriously. What I mean is that we try our hardest during practice to get better, but we don’t get angry at ourselves if we do poorly that day. Golf is a sport where people have really good or bad days, and sometimes you can’t hit the ball like you would want to. The biggest challenge for the team is to not become upset or depressed when they’re having a bad golf day, because that is not how they normally play. Sometimes it happens, and everyone else knows it, so we support them.”
Freshman, Julia Pisenti, shared her thoughts on the team’s impressive season.
“I believe that the reason why the golf team has been doing so well this season is because this year’s team has a lot of depth in talent, and we have a good attitude when it comes to practicing things we are not the best at to increase our skills, therefore making us a better team,” Pisenti said.
Coach Nakano shed light on how the team gets motivated and pumped up before a match.
“They usually get inspired by singing [along] with the radio in the van,” he revealed.
Antisdel shared her biggest motivation to perform well in the matches.
“I’m not sure about everyone else, but my motivation to win comes from the desire to do my best each match and to try to beat my best score each time,” Antisdel said. “I think the team feels the same way, we go out and try to constantly improve our score.”
Even though their team did really well, during the season Bruins felt the pressure keep up the winning streak.
“There is some pressure when it comes to continuing the streak, because it is a sad thing to lose.” concluded Pisenti. “Everyone thinks we will automatically win, but sometimes losing helps us remember that there is always going to be a team better and we need to practice more to face them.”
Fellow freshman Corina Shaw added felt the pressure for a different reason.
“I feel pressured because we are losing four amazing seniors, and filling up those positions is not going to be easy, but I truly believe that Julia and I can give it our best next year and the years to come,” ended Shaw.
Antisdel left a message that she hopes her fellow teammates will hear and take to heart.
“The only message I have for the team is that they keep up the sport, and for those who aren’t graduating, I hope they continue to do their best and make the most of the season,” finished Antisdel.