The staff of The Current works hard to finish their stories and videos before Thanksgiving Break. Photo by Zach Fink
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and with everything going on in our state and community, from the Camp Fire to all of the political turmoil, here at The Current, we decided to take a few minutes to think about what we’re thankful for. From family to friends, food to animals, each one of us shared what we are grateful for this Thanksgiving.
We’re thankful for…
“I am thankful for being an American citizen,” said Staff Writer and Freshman Dominic Hartman.
“I’m thankful for my friends, because, no matter what, they’ve always had my back, no matter what crazy things I was up to,” said Staff Writer and Freshman Sierra Dixon. “I wouldn’t be where I am right now without them. Along with that, I’m thankful for my family, for being there, and making sure I have everything I’ve needed to succeed.”
“I’m thankful for many things,” said Photo Editor and Sophomore Isabella Ferrari. “My beautiful friends, the place I live, and my amazing family. I know if I ever need something, they would do it for me in heartbeat. They have sacrificed so much for me, and still do, from giving up their weekends to take me to softball games to teaching me how to raise my swine. I am very thankful for all the beautiful souls in my life.”
“I am thankful for my second amendment right,” said Photographer and Junior Zach Fink.
“I’m thankful for everything,” said Features Editor and Sophomore Annabelle Owyoung. “There are simply too many things that I’m happy to have in my life that I can’t put them into words. From having a loving family to great friends, there’s nothing more that I can ask for.”
“I am thankful for many things,” said Staff Writer and Senior Aydan Rossovich. “My friends and family who have stayed by my side through everything that I’ve been through and they’ve been through is one thing. I’m thankful for warm sweaters and drinks and a full belly. I’m thankful for everything that has and will be given to me. Finally, I’m thankful for being alive and well, and I hope that everyone around me stays that way.”
“I am thankful for my family being safe, and all my friends staying safe throughout the year,” said Staff Writer and Senior Amy Burcham. “I am thankful for all of my animals and friends fighting through sickness and health.”
“I am thankful for my parents for adopting me out of a horrible place and into the best family I could ask for,” said Video Crew Member and Senior Andrew Johnston. “I’m thankful for friends that have my back when I need them and when I don’t (Gage Young). I’m thankful for my grandparents for being the nicest people I have ever met, and for Purdy’s (Grandma’s) heavenly fudge. I’m thankful for the school letting Bandit back.”
“I am thankful for all the opportunities I have been involved in and will be involved in,” said Video Editor and Senior Hunter Smith. “I am thankful for all of the people who have been in my life, and all the people who are and will be. I am thankful for all of the love in my life. I am thankful for my mind and its amazing ability, and I am thankful for my heart.”
“I’m thankful for my family and friends, because they support me and they always have my back,” said Staff Writer and Freshman Kirsten Briscoe. “I’m also thankful for food, because food is good, and it makes me happy.”
“I am thankful for my friends and family,” said Social Media Editor and Senior Brenna Dickson. “My friends have always been there for me, even through my ups and down. The ones that left, I am thankful to because they showed me my worth and what kind of person they are. I am also thankful for my family, because they are not allowed to leave me, LOL. They are always there with me, and helping me with the toughest times of my life, and making sure my well-being is good and I am not fighting anything alone.”
“I am thankful for having my friends and family,” said Sports Editor and Junior Catherine Desplancke. “Without them, I wouldn’t have the love and support that I need from them. My family that is in my life are my biggest fans, and help me achieve anything I aspire to do. They are the backbone of my entire life, and I wouldn’t be anywhere without them.”
“I am thankful for my ability to use my first amendment, as well as my great friends, supportive family, and just food in general,” said Opinions Editor and Junior Morgan Ham.
“I’m thankful for every new day, opportunity, and experience that is offered to me, from the amazing world of journalism to the challenging trial of AP Physics,” said Executive Editor and Junior Sonora Slater. “Though this year has been the hardest yet, I am grateful for the chance to push myself, and for the people who help me to succeed, while simultaneously encouraging me to enjoy every bit of life I get.”
As a whole, we are thankful for our amazing adviser, as well as the opportunities she has given us, and for our school’s staff that enthusiastically and wholeheartedly supports our student journalism program.