Maddie Templeton decorates a poster for Leadership. Leadership is currently preparing for the Spring Homecoming. Photo by Martin Foster
To celebrate Homecoming, Bear River’s Boys Varsity Basketball team will be competing head to head against Foothill High School on January 25, 2019. Along with a battle on the basketball court, at 7 p.m., the Homecoming dance will follow soon after.
Bruins can dance and have fun during the “I Love the ‘80s” themed dance. The event will happen from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Bruins should dress in the style of the 1980s, such as by wearing neon colors or accessories such as leg warmers.
Leadership Teacher Mr. MacDonald expressed his excitement for Homecoming.
“I’m excited for the theme, that we’re going to be DJing ourselves, and that the dance and the basketball game will be on the same day,” he said. “I believe this is the first time we will be having the dance on the same day as the game. I think that we haven’t done a theme of the ‘80s in the 12 years I’ve been here, so I’m pretty stoked. I also think the theme gives us a way to honor the school opening, like a flashback in time.”
Many Bruins are excited for the upcoming dance.
“I’m excited for the theme of the dance. I think it’s an interesting theme that will make people want to go to it,” said Junior Anthony Vierra. “I’m hoping more people go to this dance than the last one. I heard Leadership is doing really well for setting it up, and it will be a very good dance.”
“I’m excited to hang out with my friends, and it will be my last Homecoming,” said Senior Jazzlyn Jasper. “I feel like the theme could have been better, since there has been a neon dance before, but I am still excited to go.”
There will be a series of spirit days in anticipation of the dance and the game. In order to increase excitement for the game and the dance, the spirit days will be themed after aspects of the ‘80s.
With January 21st being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there is no school, so the spirit week will begin on Tuesday, January 22nd.
Inspired by the incredible use of denim in the ‘80s, Bruins should deck out in denim for the first spirit day. Anything from good old jeans to denim jackets would be great for Denim Day.
On Wednesday, in a tribute to some popular hairstyles from the ‘80s, it will be Crazy Hair Day. Bruins should come to school with crazy hair. Some popular hairstyles from the time are mullets, perms, and what is known as “big hair.” A mullet is a hairstyle that is short in the front and sides and long in the back. In order to create the look of a perm, without actually perming, very tight curls will achieve the look. “Big hair” emphasizes voluptuous volume and is heavily styled.
The Breakfast Club, an iconic movie from the ‘80s, is the inspiration for the third spirit day. On Thursday, Bruins should dress up with their friends or squad for Squad Day, picking a theme for everyone in the squad to follow.
On Friday, the day of the basketball game, Bruins should wear their class colors. As always, freshmen wear gray, sophomores wear white, juniors wear cardinal, and seniors wear black.
Many Bruins enjoy the different spirit days that Leadership decides on.
“I always dress up for spirit days, and I normally go all out,” said Junior Katelyn Lorenzo. “Typically, my favorite spirit day is Class Colors, because you can see the school spirit with all the classes, and it’s like you are secretly competing with the other classes to see who has the most school spirit.”
“I am planning on dressing up for all of the spirit days, as always,” added Vierra. “I couldn’t say which one is going to be my favorite, I’ll see how I feel depending on the day.”
Make sure to dress up for all of the spirit days and come support our Bruins at the Homecoming basketball game! It will be followed by a fun, themed dance!