Sophomores Maddie Albee and Molly Fowler are set up for a successful volleyball season. Photo by Maddie Meilinger.
The Girls JV Volleyball team has been spiking their competition in the 2019 season.
Sophomore Liah Fuller explained how she feels the season has been going so far.
“Our season is going pretty well so far, we have won [almost] all of our games…” said Fuller. “I think we will do well continuing this season.”
Their coach, Jeffrey Bickmore, agreed with Fuller about the path of the season.
“[The] season is going well, we have a great group of girls and we’ve been winning most of our games,” Coach Bickmore said.
Fuller went on to discuss the relationships between the teammates and how they all support each other.
“I would say we are all pretty close, we all get along well and rely on each other,” said Fuller. “I’m new this year to bear river so it was an adjustment but everyone was super kind. We all just talk about staying positive and how we want to do good things in that game and to shake off our mistakes.”
Jordan Foster, a sophomore, expressed how close she is with the rest of the girls on the team.
“I’m pretty close with all of them because I’ve either played other sports with them or this is my second year playing volleyball with them already,” said Foster.
Even though the girls are all close, Foster revealed that this and the teams’ amazing record don’t always work in favor of the team.
“Communication and energy because we don’t play the best teams sometimes [so] we don’t have a lot of energy, so it’s kinda just boring and not a lot of fun,” Foster said when asked what she felt the team could improve on.
Fuller agreed with Foster’s opinion on the teams’ need for improvement in certain areas.
“I think we could all improve on just communicating and talking more,” Fuller said.
Coach Bickmore shared a different skill that the team has been improving.
“We are always looking to improve on all our skills,” he said. “That’s what the JV level is for. We have particularly been working on getting better defensively.”
However, fellow Sophomore Miranda Williams had a differing opinion when asked if she saw any areas open for improvement.
“Not really, I think we’re doing really good,” Williams said.
She continued on to express her favorite part of being on the team.
“Probably just growing together as a team and getting closer,” said Williams.
Fuller had a similar preferred element of being on the JV team.
“My favorite part about the sport is the competitiveness and the bond you make with your team,” said Fuller. “ Also blocking when I do.”
Foster shared a different favorite aspect of the sport.
“Probably going to tournaments because it’s all day and we get to compete against a bunch of other teams,” explained Foster.
Foster finished by sharing her hopes for the remaining portion of the season.
“I want to get first in league,” said Foster.
Coach Bickmore expressed a similar goal.
“I hope we can finish the season strong and win [the] league,” Coach Bickmore said.