Senior Chris Elias sits among the fall leaves that are everywhere across campus. Photo by Zach Fink
Even though it is the beginning of November, there are Christmas trees in sight, along with ornaments and fake snowflakes dangling from the grocery store ceilings. There are two different opinions on this topic, one saying that the end and middle of October is much too early for hot cocoa and Christmas carols. The other thought on this topic thinks that October is the perfect time to prepare for the holiday season and buy and set up Christmas decorations.
“It is never too early for Christmas, especially Christmas music,” said Kyle Adamson, a freshman.
If you go to the larger stores like Costco or peer into the stores at the local mall, you will see that Christmas trees and decorations are already up, along with special Christmas flavors and scents. You can even buy an ugly Christmas sweater at most clothing stores.
“I think that you should just let each holiday happen and then move on to the next,” Junior Olivia Lyman said. “October is too early for Christmas, especially since Thanksgiving has not even happened yet.”
“Any time before Thanksgiving is considered early,” said English Teacher Anthony Pisenti. “I genuinely enjoy Christmas after I’m full of turkey and cranberry sauce.”
Even though some might say it is too early for stores to be selling Christmas decorations and treats, there is one thing to consider, which is that everyone wants to buy decorations before the holiday, not the day of. So even though it might seem a bit early, it gives everyone time to set up and really enjoy the holiday season without stressing about decorating.
“I already have my tree set up, and I do not think that is a bad thing,” Adamson said. “I think that you can just celebrate two holidays at the same time.”
“I think that if they started playing Christmas music it would be too much, but otherwise I think it is fine,” Brynna Vasquez, a freshman said.
Christmas is two months away, so some think that October is not the time to be shopping for decorations or a new Christmas tree. They say that the middle of November is the time to go buy Christmas decorations and get ready for the holiday season.
“I think that the middle of November is a good time to get ready for December,” said Vasquez. “Since Christmas basically lasts all December it is like we are preparing for a month long holiday.”
“I do not see why we are always just waiting for the next holiday,” said Lyman. “The whole reason of a holiday is to have fun and have all these traditions. I think everyone is just wanting to get ready for the holidays too early.”
“We cannot really control when stores decide to bring out decorations and stuff, so it is hard to wait until later in the month when everything is sold out,” Vasquez commented.
Mr. Pisenti shared his thoughts on the appropriate time to set up your Christmas tree.
“The day after Thanksgiving, let’s get the chainsaw, hike the hills, cut one down, and deck the halls!” he commented.
Personally I believe that the appropriate time to start preparing for the holiday season is in the middle of November and later. I believe that the beginning of December is the right time to start playing Christmas music and start decorating. Don’t bring out the eggnog quite just yet.