The winter homecoming dance had a masquerade theme, and was held in the small gym. Photo by Taylor Wohlgemuth
The rain and cold outside did not stop the Bruins from attending one of the most long-awaited events, the Winter Masquerade Semi-Formal. After not having a football homecoming dance, and a Halloween dance being cancelled due to a lack of ticket sales, the dance ended up being a big hit at Bear River High School. Students enjoyed finding dates for the dance and listening to both old and new music.
Senior Warren Davis described his favorite part of the dance.
“I would say my favorite part of the dance was being able to spend time and have fun with my girlfriend,” he said.
Other students commented on the music that was being played at the dance.
“I liked the music a lot,” said Freshman Hannah Peltier. “It was fun to dance to, and I loved the masquerade theme.”
Junior Lily Locks-Davis also shared what she thought was her favorite part of the dance.
“I loved the dancing, obviously,” she commented.
One of the aspects of a dance that brings it all together are the decorations that fit the theme. Sophomore Kenny Baltz also shared his view.
“The strobe lights definitely made the dance way more energetic,” he said.
A few students provided some insight on what might have made the dance even better.
Lock-Davis said, “ I feel like if there would have been more people, it would have been better, but it was still lots of fun.”
“The theme seemed kind of unheard because there weren’t really many people with masquerade masks but overall I think it went really well,” said Baltz.
Senior Brekyn Vasquez, who is in Leadership, showed his view on the dance. He shared what he loves the most about planning the Winter Semi-Formal Dance and other dances that have or will take place.
“I think it is cool that we all have the chance to give our input and tell the class what we would like or what we would think would be cool,” he said. “Once we come up with a theme it is always fun to put that theme to life while setting it up.”
Leadership Teacher Matt MacDonald shared the effort and time his class spends to make sure each dance is enjoyable for everyone.
“I mean obviously a lot goes into planning dances,” he said. “It is a big high school experience, so we definitely wanted to make sure it was a good dance. We had to make sure we had a good DJ to play music everyone loved, and that the environment and timing were good. For the first time in Bear River history, 35 years, we put on a dance in the small gym, we had never done that before, and it seemed like it turned out really well.”
Mr. MacDonald went on to explain a few things they overcame to put on this dance.
“Like we did have some obstacles we had to avoid,” he said. “In particular, because the previous dance was canceled due to power outages, we also had to make sure we got another dance before the end of the semester.