Zach Tener practices wrestling with a coach. Photo by Hailey Juergenson
The Bear River Wrestling team thinks they can grapple their way to the top this season.
Wrestling season is starting, and Bear River’s team has high hopes for the coming challenges. Kevin Figueroa, the head wrestling coach, talked about how he thinks the team is going to take top honors.
“We’re hoping to take the championship,” he said “… If the team shows up like we believe, we will.”
Figueroa talked about what they are doing to be ready for this coming season.
“(We are) just improving our technique and having more structure, adding more coaches to help,” he said. “… The team is a lot better (than previous years).”
Noah Danieli, a senior wrestler, talked about the new assistant coach this year, and how he’s helped them.
“We have a new assistant coach this year who is a junior college state champion, so he’s been wrestling his entire life,” he said. “He’s come in and been showing us some whole new techniques, starting us on a whole new workout program.”
Danieli’s predictions for this season were high.
“I think we can take league and possibly divisions as a team,” he said.
Junior Justin Kilgore also had positive predictions for this year, explaining that the new wrestlers will really help the team’s chances.
“Last year we were second in our league, behind Lincoln, who we only lost to by a couple points, and this year we lost a couple good seniors but we are gaining a lot more kids that have wrestled before and some newbies who are going to be really good,” he said. “I think our team is going to be very well prepared to go in there and accomplish what we want.”
Junior Aaron Sasville talked about why they will actually beat Lincoln this year.
“Last year, Lincoln was the only school that beat us, but most of their kids were seniors,” he said. “…We only lost three seniors but now we’re gaining, I think, four new wrestlers. We’re gonna do good.”