English Teacher Sara Noah is the director of the upcoming play. Photo by Zach Fink
Bear River Drama is looking to end the year on a good note with their spring production of “Sing On!”
The show will run from April 29th to May 1st in the Bear River theater from 7-10pm each day. Last year’s spring show was “Play On!”, the prequel to “Sing On!”
Drama Teacher and Director Sara Noah said that this is the first sequel that she has ever put on.
“I have never done a sequel play before,” she said. “However, I have directed plays more than once.”
Junior Amber Bell said that she performed in a sequel once, before her time at Bear River.
“I think I did,” she said. “I did some weird plays and they were totally made up. We made one into a sequel. It was really weird. Not at Bear River, no.”
Mrs. Noah explained the reasoning behind choosing to continue the saga of Play On!
“After the darkness of the fall play, I wanted to do something lighter,” she said. “We had so much fun rehearsing and performing Play On! Last year, that I thought Sing On! would be a fun piece to do.”
The prequel was widely enjoyed, Junior Andrew Jeffers saying that it was his favorite play that he’s been a part of.
“Definitely Play On,” he said. “I really enjoyed the comedy of that one. It was just a really good show in general. At first I thought it was going to be a little corny, but it was actually really fun and I miss it a lot.”
Senior Adam Merrill said that his favorite wasn’t necessarily the most popular, but he enjoyed it.
“I think the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee was really fun,” he said. “I fell out of my seat. It was kind of sad because a lot of people didn’t go because I think people thought that it was an actual spelling bee. But, it wasn’t. It was really funny and fun.”
Bell said that her favorite play had sentimental value to her personally.
“I really liked being in Legally Blonde,” she said. “I think that was probably my favorite because it was really exciting getting back into theater because I stopped doing it for awhile.”
This play has many layers, as explained by one of the actors.
“I am [playing] Billy Caraway,” said Merrill. “As well as…Robert Devereux Earl of Essex. There’s kind of two layers. I’m acting as an actor who is acting. I am playing Bill Caraway who is playing Robert Devereux.”
Bell is one character who is not acting within her acting.
“I am Phyllis Montague,” she said. “I am the same character I played last time. I am the playwright of the play.”
Noah has a real passion for teaching kids the art of acting.
“Teaching Drama is wonderful for so many reasons,” she said. “It is my passion, so I love all aspects of drama. My favorite part of the class is watching students grow in confidence in performing scripted works, improv, and in their ability to convey character.”
A strong bond is created through the hard work put into each and every play.
“My favorite part of doing drama is the people that you meet,” said Jeffers. “I’ve made so many good friends in drama that I will never forget. I still remember the ones that graduated. It’s just a great experience to make new friends even if, at first, you think they’re a little crazy. You just adapt to that craziness and they become your greatest friends.”