There are many high school students that have decided to take on a part time job on top of all of the other crazy things going on in their teenage lives. Does it prepare them for the real world or does it simply just stress them out more than necessary?
A part time job could give teens a sense of responsibility that is outside of the safety of their homes or school. It could give students a greater outlook on life and get teens’ brains thinking of the bigger picture.
“Work hard now, have unlimited opportunities. Work hard later, and have limited opportunities,” said Frank Smith, a senior at Bear River. Smith works two jobs; Panera and Holiday market.
Starting work earlier allows students to earn some extra cash to either save money for college or any future big purchases. It can give them a head start for what they may plan to do after high school.
Junior Daron Nelson, who works at Casa Las Katarinas, explained how he uses the money he earns.
“Half of my money is spent on photography gear and the other half I put into savings, and the rest of my money I spend on gifts for other people,” said Nelson.
Some can argue that kids are trying to grow up too fast and they need to focus 100 percent of their attention and energy towards school. That may be true, but experiencing a part time job teaches teens how to manage time, which is just as important as school. Now is the time to start preparing for the real world.
Senior Rylee Pratt is not currently working but would if given the chance. She gave her input on students working.
“If students can manage their time wisely and are responsible, then I think it is great for them,” she said.
Not only does it teach valuable lessons but many students enjoy having a job.
“My favorite thing about working is making money and building connections with people that I normally wouldn’t outside of work,” said senior Maddy Crone.
A job can get kids out of the house and be very beneficial to their mental health. It gives students the opportunity to create new friendships and teaches them better social skills. It is important to have the ability to work with multiple different personalities.
You can never be too prepared.