It’s been well over a month since the end of 2022, and it seems people are finally getting settled into the new year of 2023. With each and every new year, however, comes one commonly known practice: creating new year’s resolutions.
Some people think the practice is a waste of time or see it as an afterthought all together; more than 50% of Bruins that were asked about their new year’s resolutions stated they either didn’t see the point in having one or didn’t even have the idea cross their mind at all.
This is quite in line with other measured statistics. An article by CBS news from December of 2021 explains that new year’s resolutions are on the decline for Americans, with only 29% of U.S. citizens actually committing to starting a resolution.
Davian Casper, a sophomore, is one student who didn’t have a specific resolution planned out for 2023.
When asked if there was any specific reason for this, he stated “No, not really.”
As seen with Casper, with each student that was interviewed who didn’t have a specific reason for forgoing the tradition, none had any sort of vendetta against it; they simply hadn’t considered creating a New Year’s resolution to begin with.
There were, however, other people who did make some New Year’s resolutions. Jimmy, a senior at Bear River, detailed his interesting philosophy for not only making but keeping his new year’s resolutions.
“I’ll make a new year’s resolution to do something I was already going to do, like drink a glass of water or eat a meal or something,” he explained. “So I always keep my resolutions.”
Senior Jay Truesdell states that her New Year’s resolution of working out more has been overall a success.
Another student, freshman Savanna Musser, explained her New Year’s resolution.
“My New Year’s resolution was to treat people fairly and be nice to everyone,” she said. “Even if they don’t treat me the same way.”
Overall, it seems most Bear River students don’t have any New Year’s resolutions, but those that did have one kept them months later into 2023.
Also, those that did have New Year’s resolutions for the most part seem to have ones that focus on self improvement (whether it be mental, physical, social or emotional) and the consideration and helping of other people in their lives.
So, though New Year’s resolutions are on the decline, the ones that are made seem to mostly be good-natured and bent on improving our generation as a whole.