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Hickman Powers His Way To The Title

New Weightlifting Class Has Bruins Building Power and Explosiveness
Monica Meszaros/BRCurrent
Elijah Hickman posing with his championship belt for lifting the most weight among three combine lifts (bench press, squat and power clean).

The zero period advanced weight class has come near the end of its first year.
It has helped Bruins with athleticism and strength as a whole, bringing higher numbers for strength across the board, and working wonders for Bear River athletic programs.
A lot of times, sports do not have programs that allow athletes to improve their strength, agility and explosiveness. Morning weights provided weightlifting and athletic training to help anybody become more agile and stronger.
Junior Elijah Hickman was the highest combined total lifter in the class.
“I think morning weights will allow us to get stronger, and better in ways that you can’t get on the field at practice,” he said.
Consistency is key for improving, Hickman said.
“I’ve become a lot stronger, and I got faster by doing morning weights every day.”
Although it may seem like a lot of work, it also builds closer relationships with teammates, and is great for creating a group of people you can trust.
“It’s a really fun bonding experience with the guys that you don’t get in other places like working outside of school, or just a regular weights class,” Hickman said. “I think it’s a really good experience you can only find in morning weights.”
However the class is not just for people in sports, but for anyone trying to get stronger and more athletic.
“I would suggest it to underclassmen and people who want to get better, and want to perfect the little things coming up and want to improve at any sport they play,” Hickman said.
Dave Beghetti, class advisor and a varsity football assistant coach, agreed that the class can benefit anybody.
“This class isn’t only about football,” Beghetti said. “It was started that way last year but has gone a long way to help all those who are interested in a healthier lifestyle. We have three girls in the class that work very hard every day and are putting up crazy numbers for their size. We have a 95-pound girl who can throw weights around double her weight. Tell me that’s not impressive.
“There is not a type person to suggest weights class to. It’s going to be one of the highly requested classes in the future years to come. It is a BruiNation thing and if you’re a Bruin and want to be a part of a group of hard-working, focused and determined individuals, the door is wide open.”
The three base lifts of this class consist of the back squat, bench press and power clean. These were all selected to improve strength and explosiveness that translates directly to sports.
Some students are combining for over 900 pounds among these three lifts. This directly correlates to their performance on and off the field. These three core lifts are mixed with other weightlifting exercises to ensure muscle and strength growth, plyometrics to ensure athleticism and crossfit training to get the best of both worlds.

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About the Contributor
Jacob Dickie
Jacob Dickie, Senior Writer
Jacob Dickie is a journalist for the, and has been in Online MultiMedia for two years. He is a varsity football player in the fall, and plays for Bear River's golf team in the spring. He likes to spend his free time with friends and family, and enjoys recreational activities like camping and dirt biking. He wants to become a pilot after high school and fly commercially.
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