Legendary martial arts expert Bruce Lee once said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”
Bruins, the staff members of The Current included, feel that our campus is like a home, a safe place to do just that.
“It can take me as little as ten minutes [to get ready],” said Freshman Ali Whiting. “I feel like I can be myself at Bear River.”
Senior Stuart Wenger added his thoughts.
“For the most part, I feel like I can be myself,” he said. “In any social environment, I’m not sure if anyone can completely be themselves, but I always try. There probably are people who judge me, but it doesn’t bother me.”
Opinions and judgement are both unavoidable. It is human nature for people to compare themselves to others, but what is the difference between being judged and feeling judged? Many students at Bear River said that they think others judge them, but they never feel like it truly affects them.
“I can be myself,” said Junior Grace Billingsley. “I am sure there probably are groups or cliques that think our group at lunch is weird or that certain sports are weird, but it does not really faze me.”
Senior Damien Christen agreed with Billingsley.
“[There are] absolutely people who judge me,” said Senior Damien Christen. “It doesn’t really bother me.”
Girls and women often feel pressured to dress and look a certain way. Freshman Miranda Williams expressed her opinion.
“I don’t really feel like I need to wear makeup [to school],” she said. “Maybe some girls would judge [me] but not usually. I don’t really care about it… I can be myself.”
Bruins say that Bear River High School provides a space where students are able to especially express themselves through sports, clubs, and activities they participate in. One of these students was Senior Madison Templeton, who is incredibly involved in school-related extracurriculars.
“I play on the Girls Golf team, am the president of the Guide Dog Puppy Club, secretary of the Key Club, and the ASB secretary as well,” she said. “I feel like I can be who I am… Overall, I think Bear River is a very accepting place.”
Another student, Senior Nathan Farey, is in Smash Club and FFA.
“I can be myself at Bear River,” he said. “There are absolutely people who judge me, but I don’t really care about it.”
Comments from people can leave a lasting impression, but which is easier to remember, a compliment or a criticism? Junior Justin Roberts expressed his opinion regarding this.
“I would remember a compliment more than a negative criticism,” he said. “I don’t value ridiculous comments more than a nice statement since most of those comments are a reaction [rather than] a speculation.”
It is important for a school to be a non-judgemental zone. Students already have to deal with the stress of playing sports, participating in club activities, and having to complete mass amounts of homework in a limited time period.
Social Science Teacher Jeffrey Carrow expressed his opinion on the subject.
“Overall, I think Bear River is a very accepting place and tolerant place,” he said. “Like any high school, you have a variety of groups and with that could come some inter-school and inter-group problems but I think as a whole, Bear River is not super judgy at all… I see, on a daily basis, where students treat each other really well and help each other out.”
Bear River High School is a campus that is extremely accepting. Students can be free to be themselves without the fear of judgement.