“Safe and Sober Grad Night was conceived in response to a devastating accident involving alcohol over 30 years ago, during which twelve young grads lost their lives,” said Grad Night coordinator Julie Siegenthaler. “Parents and community members came together to find a way to give grads a fantastic graduation celebration that is an alternative to an alcohol-fueled private party which puts kids’ lives at risk. Memories of graduation should be joyful, not tragic.”
Grad Night is a safe and sober night for all graduating seniors, full of games, music, food, and prizes, held at Bear River on the night of graduation.
“Entertainment, music, air-brush tattoos, rock-climbing, prizes, food, and one last big party with your classmates to say hello to adulthood,” said Mrs. Siegenthaler. “There really are a lot of things to be excited about.”
Senior Adriana Chadwick mentioned what she’s excited for at the event.
“[I’m looking forward to] the hypnotist,” she said.
Senior Nicolas Tan agreed with Chadwick.
“It’s a lot of fun, and there’s always a bunch of cool games and activities to do,” he said. “The hypnotist is really fun too.”
Senior Marie-Claire Desplancke also expressed why she’s looking forward to Grad Night.
“It’s probably our last night ever seeing everybody there,” she said. “Not a lot of people come back after ten years, like, my mom has not been to any of her high school reunions. This will probably the last time we [see each other].”
Desplancke expressed why some Bruins may not be looking forward to Grad Night.
“Not a lot of students … really want to talk about graduation [because] that’s another step we don’t want to [take] before we go into adulthood,” she said.
However, Mrs. Siegenthaler explained why she motivates students to attend the fun filled night instead of another alternative.
“As a coordinator, I encourage students to attend because it’s the best party around,” she said. “As a parent, I urge kids to go because every parent of a graduate should hear the key turn in the door lock, signaling our student has gotten home safe and sound.”
Tan had a similar perspective on the safety of the event.
“It’s a lot of fun, and it’s worth your time,” he said. “Kind of gets you away from all the drunk driving and stuff.”
Mrs. Siegenthaler explained all the information Bruins need to know about attending this exciting night.
“Admission forms are already available at the student store, and now is the time to get your ticket for $40,” she said. “The prices go up in early spring to $50, and cost even more at the door. Grads can bring any guest under the age of 21 if tickets are pre-purchased. This event wasn’t paid for by the school, but was funded by a used clothing drive, as well as generous donations from our supportive community, and other fundraising events. We could also use some help with decorating, serving, and cleaning up afterward, if any family members or friends are interested. Email the committee about donating or volunteering at [email protected]. Our Facebook page is Bear River Grad Night.”