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Why Have Colleges Been Taken Over

Senior Riley Urke Offers Insight On Campus Tumult
Raphael Myers
An anti-Israeli protester glorifies the Intifada last November at the UC Davis quad.

One of the biggest news stories on both sides of the aisle is the many protests of the Israel-Hamas war. One of the most recent areas where these protests have been taking place is on college campuses.
To understand these protests, some context to this war and the general climate of the area is needed.
On Nov. 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a separate area under international control administered by the United Nations. On May 14, 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.
This sparked the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (Nov. 1947-July 1949). It started as six months of civil war between Jewish and Arab militias when the mandate period in Palestine was ending. It turned into a regular war after the establishment of Israel and the intervention of several Arab armies.
In its conclusion, a set of agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It was called the 1949 Armistice Agreements, which established the armistice lines between Israel and its neighbors, also known as the Green Line.
Since it declared independence in May 1948, Israel has fought various wars with its neighboring Arab states — two major Palestinian Arab uprisings known as the First Intifada and the Second Intifada — and a broad series of other armed engagements rooted in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
This current war began when Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7, involving a barrage of several thousand rockets concurrent to an estimated 3,000 militants breaching the Gaza–Israel barrier and attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases. During this attack, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals including 766 civilians and 373 security personnel were killed, while 252 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive. Hamas said its attack was in response to Israel’s continued occupation, expansion of settlements, persisting blockade, and threats to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the plight of Palestinian refugees and prisoners.
After clearing militants from its territory, Israel tightened its blockade and launched one of the deadliest and most destructive bombing campaigns in modern history, before commencing a large-scale ground invasion on Oct. 27 with the stated objectives of destroying Hamas and releasing the hostages.
Ever since the initial attack, there have been protests and rallies for both sides, but the protests against “Israel’s war” have far outweighed the ones offering support for Israel. These protests have raged around the country, but many have been on college campuses as students try to have their voices heard.
The protestors are not as bad as some on the right side of the argument have said on the right side. That does not mean that the protesters are in the right for taking over college campuses.
I have seen stories of antisemitism on campuses, but this is being countered by them saying Muslims and Arabs are facing harassment, too.
In my opinion, these protests are fine if they are not sparking tensions, which is what these protests are doing.
They are using the campuses as a shield knowing that most of the universities will not kick them out long enough for them to get public attention.
These protests also set off alarms of outside support from some people — me included — for some, but there is not any evidence of this that I can find.
In total, I find these protests concerning in that people are using them to try to let antisemitism pass on campus.
Also, the First Amendment helps protect the freedom to protest, but I think kicking the protesters of campus was kind of justified as they were saying some rather hateful things supporting terrorism.
Even if it is not what they meant they still are saying it.

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About the Contributor
Riley Urke
Riley Urke, Staff Writer
Riley Urke is a 3-year varsity football player for Bear River. He's interested in anything technology, coding and video games. This is his first year in Online MultiMedia.
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